Thursday, March 31, 2016


The last couple of days have been rainy and gloomy. But that hasn't stopped me from taking pictures of things in my room, flowers, and the cloudy sky. Photography is not only a hobby of mine, but it is my passion, my life. Taking pictures of my sister when she is applying makeup, or of the art on my walls, or a dragonfly resting on a daisy in my yard is part of my life. When I see something or hear something, I want to record it. Taking pictures makes me feel calmer and more older. 

I am in high school, and everyday the thought of what career will I take always crosses my busy mind. In my younger years, I wanted to become an astronomer. The stars, and space always has and will be fascinating to me. I later then gained a passion for singing and playing my guitar and piano. I still love to sing, but its been a few years since I've really sang good, so I'm a bit rusty! I've become more skilled at playing the piano. I now love to write and take pictures. Writing my feelings down has helped me feel so much better about myself. In my experience as a teenager, the years are very hectic. I question everything, and over react on little things. When I am upset I write down my thoughts and then listen to music. Without music I would literally shrivel up and die. 

Well, that is basically the basic stuff about me.There is just stuff in between. 

Thank you for reading. 

-Zoe Autumne 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring Break!

Good Morning Readers! 

Spring Break starts today! Might go to the beach, :) 

Quote of the post;
 Life is a song - sing it. 
 Life is a game - play it.
 Life is a challenge - meet it. 
 Life is a dream - realize it.
 Life is a sacrifice - offer it. 
 Life is love - enjoy it.
-Sai Baba

Long Beach

Xxxx, Zoe

Friday, March 20, 2015

Reading is fun!

Currently reading Girl Online - Zoe Sugg

     I love Zoella's videos, and her vlogs. Last year in November, I got her book. I'm on Chapter Thirty-Nine! It has taken me a while to finish it because of school, but I LOVE IT!! Zoe is my inspiration.
     I just wanted to post something.. 

Xxxx, Zoe 

Monday, February 16, 2015

New Blogger here!

Hello readers! My name is Zoe, and I wanted to start this blog to post pictures and my thoughts.. ;) 
I don't really know how this blog will turn out, but what the heck, let's do this!

xx, Zoe